A- How can you describe your structure with your own eyes and perception ?
B- What are you doing in your structure ?
C- What does your structure change in you, in a personal way ?
A- For you, what is specific to your country and its inhabitants ?
B- What is your speciality, or in what are you very good or very bad at ?
3/ Tell the secret life of the person next to you, if you don’t know, invent it.
Niamh Gregory
A- Creative Sparks is a community, an exciting teamwork
B- I do marketing, all the social media, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and also the website, local
media, newspaper, radio station.
C- I’m more confident, more organised. I’ve been working here for one year.
A- In Ireland, we are friendly and also noisy. We like whiskey.
B- I’m good at gardening, flowers, vegetables and fruits. In Ireland, now, onions grow well, as do
potatoes and carrots.
Grainne Murphy
A- Creative Sparks is the essence of community, collaboration, friendship and coffee. Bringing
people together, encouraging people to experiment, to create and include them together.
B- I’m the print studio manager and a technician. We make screen prints, woodcut, lithography,
linoprint, etching (gravure metal). We are 3 members, we organize exhibitions, teach children and
welcome artists.
C- I’ve been working for 3 years, I’ve been a member for 5 years. It allows me a lot of creative
freedom. I learned a lot from other members, a lot of techniques and how to be creative. It is supposed
to learn more on the administrative side, apply form applications, organize exhibitions and
get money from that.
A- We have a specific sense of humour, we make fun of people but in a funny way, it’s a very dry
B- I’m good at creating, helping people solve problems. And I’m very good at procrastinating at my
own work.
Barry McDonald
A- Cooperation, training, art groups, enterprise, start-up business.
B- Facilities and training manager. I’m setting up training courses, I coordinate and fix the problem
with contractors.
C- I’m feeling more confident, I meet more people and I enjoy that. Each day is different in Creative
Sparks, day by day.
A- Pop culture, we have really a pop culture, that means socializing. And mostly indoors because
of the Irish weather. We have heavy rain, soft rain and wet rain. I think rain covers everything.
B- I’m very bad at telling good jokes but good at telling bad jokes.
Mariana Clemente
A- A friendly environment, it’s a learning space with a great manager.
B- I’m making an internship for 2 weeks, I help to make things that people need.
C- I’m better now doing printing, I talk better because people are friendly here. I would like to learn
more about printmaking.
A- Football is a big thing in Portugal. Portuguese try to help people when they are going down and
bacalao is a speciality too. The most important thing here is that people feel comfortable here, very
friendly. I’ve seen that in other countries before.
B- I’m good at imagining stories, sometimes I write. But I’m better to just imagine, sometimes I
make illustrations too.
Julie Whitmarsh
A- Creative Sparks is very friendly, very modern and everything works very fast here.
B- I’m not creative or anything like that. I’m making counts here, I’m a kind of VIP here.
C- I’ve been working here for 7 years. When I came here, I had already worked for 30 years. I
think I’m the same person, nothing changes, the numbers are the same.
A- The mountains, the hills are specific in Ireland.
B- I love to meet new people. I’m from a very big family, so we like to talk a lot and have a good
crack with people, with fun. I love to socialize, so now it’s difficult because we can’t socialize.
Jerry Faulkner
A- It’s an inspiring place for ideas, encouragement, artistic stuff. I’m sometimes an artist, I do photos,
video work, graphic designer, and draw sometimes.
B- I work with Grainne in the creative studio, everyday is different.
C- I feel a lot freer to express myself. I feel I can do a lot more, without being critical of myself,
because working with people with open minds.
A- We love having a lot of fun, people here are incredible and I go to a lot of countries. We talk a
lot here, we are very storytelling, and expressing ourselves.
B- Music is my speciality. I play drums in a band, a bit punky, a bit funky.
Velimir Dukic
A- It’s a really green and white space, out and inside. It’s a beautiful space.
B- I am the housekeeper. I take care of this building in some way.
C- In a good way, it changes everything in my life, there is no reason why, but nothing creative.
A- Green color is very specific here, because temperature is very good for the green colour, rain is
good for the ground. There is no real winter here.
B- I’m good with anything.
Sarah Daly
A- Creative Sparks is an enterprise and training center, it’s a very creative space. It’s friendly, we
try to make it fun for people standing there together.
B- I’m the director here. I do a bit of everything, I write a lot of form applications. I try to make sure
that everybody knows they are supposed to do.
C- I have been working here for eleven years even before it was built. I suppose I saw a weed.
It’s very unusual because we have an enterprise, artistic and communication in the same place.
There’s a lot of enterprise and art centers but they are not joined together. Here, people can learn
and practice in the same place.
A- Our culture, our creativity are specific. Our dance is an important thing in Ireland.
B- My speciality is singing in the shower. I sing a lot in my head when I work. I think I’m good at
organizing things and gathering people together.